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Human activity damage our environment




Human is the men who have mind.  People’s mind can be thinking for all that we suppose to think it is our brain that has its own mind.  Actually, people have two points in the mind.  The first mind is positive thinking; it means that people have mind to do all activities in a good part.  For example; the smart person are thinking about to re-cultivate the trees in the lands which have not the trees.  The other one is negative thinking; it does not mean that people are not smart but they are having no conscience to look after to the nature.  For example; they are having no conscience to conserve the nature through the - the trees in the place that needs trees but they always burn.  People burn the trees because they want to cultivate the fruits.  For example; the fruits are cassavas, mangos, and so on. The activity is the possibility that human does every day. Through the activity people can be support their life.  On the other hands, activity is commonly words that people consider as life opportunity.  However, activity also has two points; they are bad activity and good activity.  The bad activity is the activity that damages the environments and the good activity is the activity that takes all responsibility to the environments.  Why people take care? Because care for environmental is created by God.  This essay will describe why human activity damages our environment? There are; people cutting trees, and Industries,

The most important one which damage the environment is cutting tree. People cutting trees have three main importants.  The first main people cutting trees for construction. In addition, contruction industry is divided into two sectors.  The fisrt sector is non-residential which have three sub-sectors. One of sub-sector is heavy industrial.  Besides, a lot of people from rural area they do the activities of cutting tress to sell to the city is the firewoods.  The reason of selling firewoods to get the money in order to support their daily life, and they can be support their children’s school fee.  The other one is institutional.  Normally, people in local area, they have a cooperation with other institution to work work together.  Furthermore, they will make a change to the production of cutting trees.  The last is commercial.  The main of cutting trees, people consider it as the comercial consuming of other people.  In Addition, they could be make a comerce in other markets in order to enhance their lifestyle in everyday.So, each sector has its own merits with a varies and rewarding range of work projects.However, people cutting trees for all the company to set up the bigs and smalls building in each of country. The other important main is people cutting trees because of the Agruculture.  There are alot of types in agriculture.  The first type is agro-ecology.I would like to identify that the most important that consist in agro-ecology is role.  Normally, the role is one of important for agricultural in the globe.  Moreover, agro-ecology also study about the relation of agricultural damage and environmental.  For instance, the discipline with the background which study about is human activities in rural area.  That is why; the background of human activity in rural area is not isolated because it is taking part of ecology’s context, and ecologically it creates as one of basic principle in the background of ecological.  In addition, the most point to support the agro-ecology is sustainable agriculture.  So, it is the ability of people in rural area produce foods that gives benefit and it does not damage the environment and gives the problem to the ecosystem.  On the other hand, the second points are urban agriculture. Some students in Timor Leste they are set a group to look after to the nature.  For Example; Estudante Hadomi Natureza, (Students loves the Nature) in Timor Leste they are practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food around the village, mountain and in the capital.  Firstly, the Estudante Hadomi Naturaza, a lot of them always cultivate the trees in village and mountain around in Timor Leste every year.  Not only that, they also have a processing to visit the tree that they have been cultivating since a year.  So, they also get the benefits and they also make a distributing the foods to the village.  Normally, people are calling farming agriculture.  The other type is organic agriculture.  The organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the people’s health, and it also gives the benefit to the ecosystem.  Actually, it has a good tradition to help people to have respectfully to the environment.  However, organic agriculture also gives an innovation and science to give the benefits to the environments and improve or minimize the problem of cutting trees. The third type is cnservation agricultureo.  Conservation agriculture is a people who have a concept to save farmer’s production that can be realize and be able to accept profits together with high volume of production level to sustain the family, (Bailkey, M. and J. Nasr. 2000).  For example; as human being we have to respect the environment in order to provide as the good benefit.  Furthermore, the one of conservation people have to re-cultivate the trees in the garden.  The fourth type is precision agriculture.  Precision agriculture is new technology that gives the opportunities for all people to look at their specific fields.   Moreover,  the special part after over and they are looking for inputs in most specific manner than  other application. Through the technology people can be saves their money, when they change output field. The fifth type is Industrial agriculture.  Industrial agriculture is a modern form of farming and it refers to industry product of livestock, poultry, fish, and crops.  However, it has own in industrial agriculture to protect the environments are technoscientific, economic, and political. It is as one of progress machinery agriculture and agriculture methods, genetic technology, techniques for economics goals of scale in production, as creating other markets for consumer that consumption, the application to protect genetic information to the global trade.  the creation of new markets for consumption, the application of patent protection to genetic information, and global trade. For example; in Timor Leste a lot of meat, eggs, fruit, vegetables are available in the markets because the method of industrial agriculture.


In particularly, industries are the common activities to build a small and large building that consist inside the country.  The people who set up the industry it available for people who live in rural can be access to job.  In addition, people who work in industries can minimize the activities of cutting trees in the mountain and rural area.  For instance, building, bridge, houses, and roads and etcetera.  Industry can be divided to three mains important.  First, primary industries are natural products that human being has done from the land and sea.  Example; there are oil, iron, timber, fish, mining, quarrying, fishing and forestry.  The other one is secondary industries.  It is referring to as services industry.  However, secondary industry is neither produces a unprotected material nor makes a product of manufactory of car.  The third one is Quaternary Industries.  It is involve of using hight technic industries.  Thus, people who work in  a companies inside the country are usually has a most qualify in job’s field. For exampe; quaternary industries a one positive part in all of the companies that they choosen as the best way and another.  It is likely unprocesed materials is can’t be give the benefits to the industry.  These all about the affects of cutting trees. The cotton may then be turned into an item of clothing in the secondary industry.


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